A3BCのバナー3点が現在ツアー中。10/28はロンドン・アナキスト・ブックフェアで、11/17〜19には香港で開かれるBLACK BOOK FAIR(黑書展)で展示されます。

3 protest banners made by A3BC, a woodcut print collective based in Irregular Rhythm Asylum will be displayed in the London Anarchist Bookfair on 28th of October. Please go see them if you’re around! They will be around the entrance of the venue.

This become possible thanks to the cooperation of Hikaru Tanaka, we really appreciate it. He will give a lecture on japanese activism at Room-LG5 from 2pm to 3pm in the book fair.
And after London, those banners will travel to the next place, the Black Book Fair which will be held in Hong Kong from 17th to 19th November. Thank you Ahkok making this possible! I think the Black Book Fair will be the first anarchists bookfair in asia. You can support them with donating copies of music, pamphlets/zines, and books!

For more info: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155135619497998&set=a.437648002997.229356.774152997