Zero?en shop is a place where we can exchange free goods. Its a way to reduce and recycle the amount of material goods we need in our life.Therefore it’s also much more a lifestyle than than a place. You can practice zero en every day in different situations.Zero?en for not going out to an expensive restaurant, bar, karaoke night, but do it by your own with your friends together at a communal space ? or at home. Zero?en for not buying new clothes, but reuse old ones, which you also might like and all you have to do is to participate. Share your home, share your time, give your old things you don’t use anymore to friends and most important: don’t spend money. Then you also don’t have to work so much and you got more time for zero?en lifestyle!
The next zero en shop on the 10th of april we will be doing woodblock printing on the street. Everyone can make his/her own print and take it home for free. we will be bringing some woodblock designs, printing stuff and paper. Some clothes we already started to gather, but everyone can bring his/her own old clothes to print or to be printed and taken home by others. This is a way how the value of objects increases. Often an old t?shirt is of low value for us. But if there’s a unique print on it, even made by our own, it will become precious to us. Besides it is a very nice way to spread our political messages to all the people. So let’s bring old clothes and carry out the arts to the streeets!
東京・新宿のインフォショップ “Irregular Rhythm Asylum(イレギュラー・ リズム・アサイラム)IRA” をベースに公開される反核アート。フランスの劇団 “Brut de Beton Production” が呼びかけた「4.26アピール」に呼応して,3.11から続く大きなウソに対抗する展覧会。同時に,画像とメッセージで構成する反核プロジェクションを都内各地で展開。 3月24日(木)には、A3BC(Anti-War, Anti-Nuclear and Arts of Block-print Collective)による「反核」木版画ワークショップも。
日時:3月24日(木)から3月27日(日) 13:00-20:00
大榎 淳
花崎 草
Afra Lin
Anti-War, Anti-Nuclear and Arts of Block-print Collective
Kolin Kobayashi
maru-x and DJ daRa